So ladies….what gives you energy?

 A new survey asked women to name the things that get them excited . . . and the things that DRAIN their energy.  

The top 10 things women get excited about are . . .

1.  Going on vacation.


2.  Having sex.


3.  Exercising or playing sports.


4.  Eating good food.


5.  Shopping.


6.  Meeting friends for drinks.


7.  Going to a concert.


8.  Getting something free.


9.  Eating healthy.


10.  Pay day.



And the top 10 things that women said DRAINED their energy are . . .



1.  Worrying about money.


2.  Arguing with their significant other.


3.  Dark winter nights.


4.  Going to work.


5.  Going to bed too late.


6.  Standing in line.


7.  Bad customer service.


8.  Traffic.


9.  Listening to other people's problems.


10.  Working overtime. 



(Daily Mail)


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