And Your Name Is?????

From this mornings Quickies with Kell…….

The Ten Names That Make the Best Husbands and Wives

A study out of England has come up with the top 10 names associated with being the best husband, and the top 10 names associated with being the best wife.



In the study, people ranked their husbands and wives on how kind, generous, and thoughtful they were.  Then the researchers calculated which names got the highest average scores.



The top 10 names associated with being a good husband are:  David, Andrew, Daniel, Paul, John, William, Simon, James, Chris, and Stephen.  The names that JUST missed are Mark, Rob, and Pete.



And the top 10 names associated with being a good wife are:  Katie, Sophie, Louise, Sarah, Emily, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Amy, Jessica, and Lucy.  The names that JUST missed are Emma, Nicole, and Grace. 



(The Telegraph)


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